Today's AMICUS 2024 / 03 / 06

Mr. Bokunen Naka @ AMICUS

In the spring rain, Mr. Bokunen Naka visited AMICUS to see the finished woodblock prints that the 4th grade students had completed.


Every year, in the fourth grade, students work on woodblock printmaking.


Inspired by the artworks displayed in Bokunen Museum, each child’s creativity explodes on the prints.


Here is this year’s work.



Every year, Mr. Bokunen visits AMICUS to see the children’s finished woodblock print and give his feedback.


His comments were all very positive such as the lines were thick and strong that made this print very vigorous! etc. 


The children looked happy to receive praise from Mr. Bokunen.



After the comments from Mr. Bokunen, it was time for questions.
“What is your favorite piece of your artwork?”, “What sports did you like when you were little? ” and many more…
Mr. Bokunen answered the children’s questions in detail!
Finally, everyone took a commemorative photo.
Even after the photo was taken, Mr. Bokunen was surrounded by the children.
They just loved having him here! 
Thank you so much to Mr. Bokunen and his staff! 
We look forward to seeing him again next year!

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