本日のアミークス 2015 / 10 / 16

Guests from Germany

今年もドイツからお客様がやってきました。青少年交流セミナーで沖縄国際ユースホステルに滞在中の14歳から18歳のドイツ人生徒16名とリーダー達です。到着時には1年生が”Welcome to AMICUS”のポスターを掲げてかわいらしく歓迎。ドイツ人グループも大喜びで交流が始まりました。

We had guests from Germany again this year. 16 of 14-18 year-old students and leaders who are staying in Okinawa as Youth Exchange visited Amicus. G1 students welcomed them with “Welcome to AMICUS” posters when they arrived and made them smile.



G5 spent time with them in the morning and JH in the afternoon. It was really amazing how well they communicate in English which is a second language for both groups.  AMICUS students have surely been growing up as global citizens.

Home stay program will begin this evening with 9 AMICUS families for 2 days and 1 night. This experience will be memorable for both AMICUS and German students and we cannot wait to hear about their adventures!






(平日のみ 8:15~17:00)
