Today's AMICUS 2015 / 02 / 27

Guests from OIST and G7 Visited OIST

沖縄科学技術大学院大学 より、副理事長の岩間ジョージ様と3名の方がアミークスのご視察にお越しになりました。
AMICUS welcomed a special guest, Dr. George Iwama from Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology graduate university (OIST) .

During the school tour, he observed classes some facilities.Then he joined 6th graders for a Q & A session.



One of the students asked him “How can I be a scientist?” and he answered “The most import thing to be a scientist is to have curiosity and questions. In that sense, some of you are already scientists. ”

The students were deeply touched by his words. 


Some other 6th graders asked him questions and he answered each question in such a sincere manner.

We were delighted to have you at AMICUS. Please come back and visit us again!



理科の授業の一環としてOISTを訪問したアミークス7年生。講義もツアーもAll Englishで行われました。
The students and teachers of AMICUS JHS visited OIST today as part of their Science curriculum.
It was both an educational and a fun-filled trip for the students.

They attended a lecture on “What’s Life” by a current PhD student.

Although the scientific terms used in the presentation were difficult, the students really enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it.
The highlight of the trip was the “campus tour” in which they were showed around the campus and were introduced to Robotic Science.

They all enjoyed the trip very much.


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