Today's AMICUS 2021 / 11 / 11

【JH】G8 career experience

G8 students  participated in career experience at AMICUS for two days on November 9th and 10th.
Students who experienced the PR department at the office wrote an article for our school blog.
Below is the blog article and pictures written and taken by G8 students!

8th graders had their career experience on November 9th and 10th.

This time, due to Covid-19, the career experience was only in AMICUS, but each student could choose the workplace, so they seemed to enjoy the work.

There were many different types of workplaces. For example, kindergarten, elementary school and office, and they all seemed to be very enjoyable.

The students who were experiencing the kindergarten workplace looked like they were having a hard time taking care of the kindergarten students during the class.
The students who experienced the work of the upper grades of elementary school didn’t talk much to their students and worked quietly with the teacher.
When I talked to a student who was experiencing the work of the gardener, he said

“The work, such as preventing weeds from growing, was more difficult than I expected, so I realized that we have jobs supporting the school.”
It was a very valuable experience for the G8 students to become adults.
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