Today's AMICUS 2022 / 03 / 08

【JH】Collaboration with Oxford students!

The junior high students took classes on the theme of “Entrance Examinations Around the World”.

There are many different ways of conducting entrance examinations in the world.
At Oxford University in England, they conduct an interview where students talk with the professor for as long as 30 minutes!

Sawyer, a current Oxford University student, and two other students sent us a video of mock entrance exam interview questions in advance.

The questions were from the fields of earth science, chemistry, and law.

AMICUS JH students thought about the questions from a variety of perspectives and discussed them in groups.

Students who experienced the mock entrance examinations by the Oxford University students said;

“I was surprised at the dialogue held in the entrance exam,” “I became more interested in universities around the world,” “There were many different opinions on a single interview question, and I felt the individuality of each person’s way of thinking.”

It seems that the participants were able to broaden their perspectives on the world as well as they could notice the things close to them!

Thank you,  Sawyer, Chloe, and Patrick from Oxford University, for this valuable opportunity!



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