Today's AMICUS 2014 / 12 / 18

Kindergartern Christmas Concert

AMICUS Kindergartern had a Christmas Concert. アミークスの幼稚園でクリスマスコンサートが催されました。

 可愛らしい歌とダンスに感激・感動 Lovely children songs and dance made the audience so happy!

沖縄中央学園の学生の発表に釘付けの子ども達 Children were so excited to watch the Okinawa Chuo Gakuen’s Show Time.

沖縄中央学園の発表に心躍らす子ども達 They really enjoyed the Okinawa Chuo Gakuen Performance.


We had pot luck party. The children enjoyed the food that their parents made it.

たくさんの料理に悩む子ども達 The children were having hard time to select the food which they wanted.

思う存分クリスマスコンサートを楽しんだ子ども達 Kindergartern friends had a wonderful time at the Christmas Concert.


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(Weekday 8:15~17:00)

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