Today's AMICUS 2015 / 03 / 05

G6 Special Social Studies lesson

4月、6年生の初めての社会の授業は「世界がもし100人の村だったら」のワークショップでした。あれから11か月。卒業を控えた6年生に、青年海外協力隊として派遣された経験のある本校教諭、杉野先生より特別授業をしてもらいました。杉野先生は2年間、音楽隊としてセネガルへ派遣された経験があります。その時の写真や動画をもとにした協力隊の活動や現地の様子を紹介と共に、途上国と日本の生活と比べながら、自分達の恵まれた状況への気付きも促して下さいました。The very first G6 Social Studies class was the workshop of “If there were only 100 people in the world” in April. It’s been 11 months since that. Today, 6th graders had a special Social Studies lesson by Mr. Sugino, who is a music teacher at AMICUS. He talked about his experience as a member of JICA. He had the experience of being a music teacher in Senegal for two years. The 6th graders learned about the system of the association and Senegal by viewing pictures and movie clips. They learned how much we should appreciate things we have compared to those in developing countries.
We wish for the students become real world citizens who can think about their roles in this world.

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(Weekday 8:15~17:00)

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