Today's AMICUS 2018 / 05 / 11

【Junior High School】Scenes from today.

Today’s focus is on the Junior High School students. As they are the seniors of the school, the contents of lesson becomes more advanced, and they do play an important role in the school activities.
In one class, the students were creating instructional video clips. They were taking videos of themselves and edited what they took. Some preferred live adlib-style, while others inspired themselves by getting ideas from existing advertisements. Students took the challenge to express themselves in many different ways.  
In another class, the students were working on their sewing. They watched a video-clip for reference. There was a variety of decorations to choose from.
In the gym, they continued helping the 1st grade students with their Sports Test. The 1st graders all love to get together with the Junior High School students, and they all did their best with the help of big boys and girls.
The Junior High School students are always reliable. Thank you for the help!! Enjoy your studies!! 


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